Snježana Gregurović, Ph.D.

Research Associate




Academic Education

  • appointed to scientific grade of senior research associate in the scientific field of social sciences – field sociology  (30 November 2017)
  • appointed to the academic title of Assistant Professor of social sciences, field sociology (12 September 2017)
  • D. in Sociology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (2010); thesis title: “The Status and Integration of New Immigrant Groups in South European and Central-East European countries – members of the European Union”
  • A. in Sociology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (2005) 
  • A. in Sociology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (1997)

Employment and Professional Experience

  • external associate at the Department of Sociology, Catholic University of Croatia, 2017-2018
  • Université catholique de Louvain – Post-doctoral Fellowship in Chaire Hoover d’ethique economique et social  (8th on September 2014- 8th on December 2014)
  • Country Co-ordinator for Croatia of the European Web Site on Integration(EWSI) (June 2013 – January 2016)
  • Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb, 2000-
  • XVIII High School, Zagreb, 1998-2000

Scientific Interest

  • Sociology of migration, migrant integration, migrant integration policies, migration policies, multiculturalism, sociology of ethnicity


  • Croatia – New Immigration Country? (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, 2020-) 
  • CrossMigration, „Work Package 8 – „Defining migration indicators” under Horizon 2020 (Migration Policy Group, 2019-2020)
  • Integration policies: Who benefits? The development and use of indicators in integration debates (MIPEX 2015) (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs – CIDOB and the Migration Policy Group – MPG, 2013-2015)
  • Intercultural Approach to Ethnic Diversity and Identity: Croatia – Europe (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, 2007- 2013) 
  • Croatian Ethnic Development and Plurality: A Comparative View (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, 2002-2006) 
  • Croatian Ethnic Development in a Comparative Perspective (Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, 2000-2002)

Selected Bibliography

  • Integration of Migrants – the Meaning of the Term in the European Context, Standards and Policies, in: Integration Policies and Practices in European and Croatian Context, Lana Vučinić i Anna-Maria Radić (eds.), Zagreb, Croatian Red Cross, Zagreb, pp. 17-41
  • Katolička crkva i migranti: prema prihvaćanju multikulturnoga modela integracije migranata, Obnovljeni život, 75 (2020), 1: 77-92.
  • The Impact of EU Citizenship on Migrant Integration. The Case of Highly Skilled Migrants from Southeast Europe in Brussels, Etnološka tribina, 49 (2019), 42: 102-121.
  • Contribution to the Croatian Boundary Shaping in Historical and Contemporary Perspective, Geoadria, 23 (2018), 2: 153-175 (coauthor Dubravka Mlinarić).
  • Comparing the Incomparable? Migrant Integration Policies and Perplexities of Comparison, International Migration, 56 (2018) 3: 105-122, doi:10.1111/imig.12435  (coauthor Drago Župarić-Iljić).
  • Multikulturalizam u europskom kontekstu: dosezi i nesuglasja, Migracijske i etničke teme,  32 (2017), 3: 353-374.
  • Ethnic Boundaries and the Position of Minority Groups in Croatian Istria, in: Ethnic Minorities and Politics in Post-Socialist Southeastern Europe, Ramet, S.P. i Valenta, M. (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2016., pp.247-263, (coauthors: Marko Valenta and Zan Strabac).
  • Ethnic groups and a dynamic of boundary making among co-ethnics: An experience from Croatian Istria, Ethnicities,15 (2015) 3: 414-439.  (coauthor Marko Valenta).
  • Utjecaj eurointegracijskih procesa na migracije – lekcije za Hrvatsku, u:  Migracije i razvoj Hrvatske. Podloga za hrvatsku migracijsku strategiju, Puljiz, J. Tica i D. Vidović (eds.), Zagreb, Hrvatska gospodarska komora, 2014., pp. 271-283.
  • Bosniaks in Croatia: Immigration and Transnational Social Spaces, in: Migration from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Emirhafizović, M., Ćosić, E., Osmić, A. and Repovac-Pašić, V. (eds). Sarajevo: Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Ministarstvo za ljudska prava i izbjeglice BiH, 2013, pp. 105-114 (coauthors Simona Kuti and Saša Božić).
  • Migration, Integration and Attitudes towards Immigrants in Croatia, Revija za sociologiju, 42 (2012), 3: 305-336 (coauthors Jadranka Čačić-Kumpes and Josip Kumpes).
  • The challenges of migration policies in Croatia: migration history, trends and prospects, AEMI Journal, (2012), 10: 99-113 (coauthor  Dubravka Mlinarić).
  • Eastern Croatia Faces New Challenges of (Im)Migration, 3rd International Conference “Vallis Aurea” Focus on: Regional Development,in: Katalinic, Branko (ed.). Požega – Vienna: Polytechnic School of Pozega, DAAAM International Vienna, 2012, pp. 311-319. (coauthor Dubravka Mlinarić).
  • Migration trends and the development of migration policy in the Republic of Croatia in:Les migrations dans les rapports euro-méditerrannéens et euro-arabes, Bichara, Khader (ed.). Paris: L’Harmattan, CERMAC (UCL-Belgique), 2011, pp. 153-169.
  • Cartographic Visualisation and the Image of the Other of the Example of Multiple Borderlands, Migracijske i etničke teme,27 (2011), 3: 345-373 (coauthor Dubravka Mlinarić).
  • Obilježja migracijskih tokova i integracija novih imigrantskih grupa na tržištu rada u južnoeuropskimzemljama članicama Europske unije, Migracijske i etničke teme. 27 (2011), 1: 57-75.
  • Razvoj migracijskih politika u srednjoistočnoeuropskim zemljama članicama Europske unije, Razprave in gradivo − Treatises and Documents,(2008), 56-57: 234-263.
  • Odnos prema Drugome: istraživanje etničkih granica na primjeru Petrinje, Migracijske i etničke teme, 23 (2007), 1-2: 65-83.
  • Relacijska dimenzija etničkog identiteta: istraživanje etničkih kategorija na primjeru Petrinje, Migracijske i etničke teme, 21 (2005), 3: 221-242.

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