About us

IMIN management

The Director

Doc. dr. sc. Marina Perić Kaselj

The Director represents the Institute, and is responsible for her work to the Governing Board of the Institute

Board of Directors

President: prof. dr. sc. Mladen Vedriš (Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu)
Members: dr. sc. Zvonimir Savić (Hrvatska gospodarska komora), dr. sc. Dubravka Brezak Stamać (Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje),  dr. sc. Krešimir Dabo (IMIN – predstavnik znanstvenika), dr. sc. Sonja Podgorelec (IMIN – predstavnica radnika).
The Governing Board adopts general acts of the Institute, conducts financial and business policy and adopts work and development programs. It has five members and the president is appointed by the minister.
Scientific Council

President: dr. sc. Marinko Vuković

Vice president: dr. sc. Matijas Baković

Members: dr. sc. Dragutin Babić, prof. dr. sc. Vanda Babić Galić, dr. sc. Ivan Balabanić, dr. sc. Krešimir Dabo, dr. sc. Darko Gavrilović, dr. sc. Margareta Gregurović, dr. sc. Snježana Gregurović, dr. sc. Sanja Klempić Bogadi, dr. sc. Sanja Lazanin, dr. sc. Maria Florencia Luchetti, dr. sc. Ana Malnar, dr. sc. Dubravka Mlinarić, dr. sc. Dragan Nimac, dr. sc. Marina Perić Kaselj, dr. sc. Ana Perinić Lewis, dr. sc. Sonja Podgorelec, dr. sc. Kristina Posavec, dr. sc. Natasha Kathleen Ružić, dr. sc. Nikola Šimunić, dr. sc. Filip Škiljan, dr. sc. Maja Vizjak.

The Scientific Council is an expert body of the Institute. Among other things, it determines and implements the scientific policy of the Institute and discusses and decides on scientific and professional issues.

„Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. ... He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self.“

B. R. Ambedkar

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