Iva Tadić, Ph.D.

Radno mjesto: Znanstvena savjetnica u trajnom zvanju

Zvanje: Znanstvena savjetnica u trajnom zvanju, naslovna izvanredna profesorica




Academic Education

2023. PhD in Psychology – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, dissertation: “Validation of Minority Stress Model in Parents of Children with Cochlear Implants”

Employment and professional experience

2024. Institute for Migration Research, Senior assistant
2013. – 2024. SUVAG Polyclinic for Speech and Language Rehabilitation, Zagreb, Psychologist

Scientific interest

Vulnerable and minority groups: quality of life, stress, minority stress, mental health

Teaching activity

Faculty of Croatian studies, University of Zagreb
Educational Integration of Children with Developmental Disabilities
Working with Children with Special Educational Needs
Psychological Ethics
Educational Psychology

Catholic Theological Faculty, University of Zagreb
Working with Children with Special Educational Needs


„Competencies of School Pedagogues: Retrospective, Current State, and Future Outlook” (researcher), 2024-
“Quality of Life of Foreign Workers in Croatia” (researcher), 2024-
“Croatian Traces in Argentina: Identity Characteristics of Croats and Their Descendants in the South of America. Migration Processes Between Croatia and South America” (researcher), 2024-
“The New Croatian Diaspora in Europe” (researcher), 2024-

Selected bibliography

Tadić, I. (2022). Quality of Life and Social Support of Mothers of Children with Developmental Language Disorder. Logopedija, 12(2), 77–87. (Journal Article)
Tadić, S., Brezovec, E., Tadić, I. (2022). A Society of Risk (COVID–19): Between Instrumental and Axiological Rationality. Obnovljeni život, 77(1), 49–64. (Journal Article)
Tadić, I. (2021). Sources of Self-Confidence – Building Trust. Happy Children: Encouraging Creativity in Children and Youth Through Art, Zaninović Tanay, Ljiljana; Tanay, Emil Robert (Eds.). Zagreb: Association of Croatian Art Teachers, pp. 10–17. (Plenary Lecture, Workshop, and Proceedings Contribution)
Tadić, I. (2020). Extraordinary Circumstances – How to Help a Child Cope? Happy Children: Various Expressive Possibilities of Children in Artistic Fields, Zaninović Tanay, Ljiljana; Tanay, Robert Emil (Eds.). Zagreb: Association of Croatian Art Teachers, pp. 116–122. (Plenary Lecture and Proceedings Contribution)
Andreis, L. Tadić, I. (2020). Emotional Competence and the Dark Triad: Which personality traits better predict academic success? ECER 2020: Educational Research (Re)connecting Communities. (poster)
Pavičić Dokoza, K., Tadić, I., Kelić, M. (2019). How are type and severity of language disorder related to intervention? Final Conference COST Action IS 1406, Sofija, Bugarska, 11.4.2019-12.4.2019.
Dulčić, A., Pavičić Dokoza, K., Bakota, K., Tadić, I. (2018). Parents’ and speech and language pathologists’ attitudes toward preschool children with speech and language disorders. Logopedija 8(1). (Journal article)
Dulčić, A., Tadić, I. (2015). SUVAG and the Inclusive Approach – The Verbotonal Method and Guberina’s Thought in Practice. Socijalna misao, 88(4). (Journal Article)
Jerneić, Ž., Galić, Z., Parmač Kovačić, M., Tadić, I. (2014). Measurement of Socially Desirable Responding with Over-Claiming. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, July 8–13, 2014. (Poster, International Peer Review, Abstract, Scientific)
Jerneić, Ž., Galić, Z., Tadić, I. (2014). Overestimating One’s Knowledge as an Indicator of Faking in Personality Questionnaires. XI. Days of Psychology in Zadar – Book of Abstracts, Slišković, A. (Ed.). Zadar, 2014. (Presentation, International Peer Review, Abstract, Scientific)

In Addition

Croatian Psychological Association (member)
Croatian Psychological Chamber (member)
Ethics Committee for Scientific Research of the University Program in Speech and Language Pathology, University of Rijeka (member)

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