Migrant Integration Policy Index in Croatia (MIPEX)
6th Roundtable Migrant Integration Policy Index in Croatia (MIPEX) Zagreb, 15 April 2014 Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studes (Zagreb) with support from Migration Policy
6th Roundtable Migrant Integration Policy Index in Croatia (MIPEX) Zagreb, 15 April 2014 Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studes (Zagreb) with support from Migration Policy
Scientific conference Current Socio-Demographic Processes on the Croatian Islands Zlarin, 4 June 2013 The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies organized a scientific conference entitled Current
International scientific conference Future of Retirement Migrations in Europe Dubrovnik, 15–18 May 2003 Under the guidance of the research associate Saša Božić (PhD) and in
Roundtable Ethnicity and Stability of Europe in the 21st Century – the Position and Role of Croatia Zagreb, 10 November 2000 Within the framework of its
2nd Roundtable Ethnic Development of European Nations: Croatia – Europe Zagreb, 20 March 1999 The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb organized the
Round Table Ethnic Development of the European Nations: Croatia – Europe Zagreb, 11 June 1997 The Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb organized a