Sonja Podgorelec, Ph.D.

Scientific Advisor (permanent)




Academic Education

  • Ph.D. in 2004 (Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb) with the thesis “Quality of Life of the Elderly Population in Isolated Environments – Example of the Croatian Islands”
  • M.A. in 1998 (Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb) with the thesis “Aging on Dalmatian Islands”
  • B.A. in Sociology in 1985 from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb

Employment and Professional Experience

  • Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb (since 1985)
  • lecturer, undergraduete study, course Market Research, Departement of Production at the Academy of Dramatic Art, University of Zagreb (since 2004/2005)

Scientific Interest

  • sociological (socio-gerontological) aspects of Croatian population ageing,
  • quality of life in urban and rural areas,
  • impact of migration on the quality of life in local communities (particularly on the Croatian islands and in the costal area),
  • sociological aspects of life female migrants and children during migration period and upon return,
  • individual orientations and socio-cultural patterns of behavior of young migrants


  • Health As a Factor In the Life of the Elderly Population of the Croatian Islands, head: Dr. Sonja Podgorelec, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (2023-2024)
  • Networks of Island Temporality: A Multidisciplinary Research on Experiences of Temporality on Dugi Otok and the Kornati Islands, head: Dr. Tomislav Oroz, Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, University of Zadar (2021-2023)
  • Growing Old in One’s Own Home: Challenges and Perspectives, head: Dr. Sanja Klempić Bogadi, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (2021-2024)
  • Croatia: A New Immigration Country?, heads: Dr. Margareta Gregurović and Dr. Simona Kuti, Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies (2020 ‒ 2023)
  • Quality of Living in the Housing Estates of the Socialist and Post-socialist Era: A Comparative Analysis Between Slovenia and Croatia, bilateral project of  CSF and SRA, head: Dr Richard Sendi (Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia),  head of the Croatian part of the project: Dr Anđelina Svirčić Gotovac (Institute for Social research in Zagreb) (2020-2023)
  • The Impact of Immigration from Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Socio-demographic Development of Urban Regions in Croatia, head: Sanja Klempić Bogadi, (2014-2015)
  • Changes in Small Island Communities – The Example of Šibenik Islands, head: Dr Ivan Lajić (2010-2013)
  • The Influence of Migration on Regional Development in Croatia, head: Dr Ivan Lajić (2007-2014)
  • Influence of Recent Migrations on the Development of Settlements in Croatia, head: Dr Ivan Lajić (2002-2006)
  • Gelebte Nachbarschaft (Nordwest-Kroatien) (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik, Wien and IMIN), head: Dr Jadranka Čačić-Kumpes, Cohead: Dr Sonja Podgorelec (2005-2006)
  • Internationales Lernen, international project of five European countries, Head: Dr Josef Held, head of the Croatian part: Dr Melita Švob (1996-1999)
  • Internal Migrations, head Dr Ivan Lajić (1996-2002)
  • Jewish Community of Zagreb, head Dr Melita Švob (1993-1994)
  • Children in Migration and Return to Croatia, head: Dr. Melita Švob (1991-1995)
  • Depopulation and Revitalization of the Island Region of Croatia, head: Dr Ivan Lajić (1989-1991)
  • Influence of Migrations on Children’s Growth and Development, head: Dr. Melita Švob (1985-1990)
  • Migration of Yugoslav Women Abroad, head: Dr. Melita Švob (1985-1987)

Selected Bibliography

Books and studies

  • Gradovi potopili škoje – promjene u malim otočnim zajednicama. Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 2013. (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • Ostarjeti na otoku – kvaliteta života starijega stanovništva hrvatskih otoka. Zagreb, Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 2008.
  • Otoci dviju generacija. Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 2004 (coauthors Dragutin Babić and Ivan Lajić).
  • Otoci – ostati ili otići? Studija o dnevnoj cirkulaciji sa šibenskih otoka. Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 2001 (coauthors Ivan Lajić and Dragutin Babić).
  • Prognana i izbjegla djeca u Zagrebu (ed. Melita Švob). Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1993 (coauthors).

Articles in journals and book chapters


  • “The Demography of the Archipelago – Migration as a Way of Life”, 2020, The Notion of Near Islands – The Croatian Archipelago (ed. N. Starc), Rowman & Littlefield: London, pp 89-110.
  • “Housing integration of immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia: example of the City of Zagreb”, 2020, Geoadria, vol. 25, no. 1 (coauthors Sanja Klempić Bogadi and Margareta Gregurović)
  • “Immigrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Croatia: A Sense of Belonging and Acceptance in the New Social Environment”, 2019, Treatises and Documents Journal of Ethnic Studies/Razprave in gradivo, Revija za narodnosna vprašanja, no. 82, pp. 5–23 (coauthors Margareta Gregurović i Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Doseljavanje iz Bosne i Hercegovine u Hrvatsku: migracijski obrasci na primjeru doseljenika u Zagrebu”, 2018, Stanovništvo, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 39-62 (coauthors Sanja Klempić Bogadi i Margareta Gregurović).
  • “Leisure time as an aspect of quality of life in the population of the Municipality of Gornja Rijeka”, 2017, Geoadria, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 193-221 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi i Monika Šabijan).
  • “Materijalno blagostanje kao objektivna dimenzija kvalitete života stanovništva ruralnih prostora – općina Gornja Rijeka”, 2016, Sociologija i prostor, vol. 54, no. 206 (3), pp. 197-218 (coazthors Sanja Klempić Bogadi and Monika Šabijan).
  • “Društvene teorije umirovljenja i produktivnog starenja”, 2015, Etnološka tribina, vol. 45, no. 38, pp. 58-71 (coauthor Mario Bara)
  • “We could use a care home, but it would be a scandal to leave your parents there, a big disgrace!”. Formal and informal care for the elderly in Croatia, 2015, Etnološka tribina, vol. 45, no. 38, pp. 14-18, comment on article Hromadžić, A. “Where were they until now’. Aging, Care and Abandonment in a Bosnian Town”, Etnološka tribina, god. 45, br. 38,  str. 3-29.
  • “Hrvatsko selo na početku 21. stoljeća – studija slučaja općina Gornja Rijeka”, Sociologija i prostor, 2015, vol. 53, no. 2, pp. 139–161 (coauthors Sanja Klempić Bogadi and Monika Šabijan).
  • “Satisfaction with the quality of life on Croatian small islands: Zlarin, Kaprije and Žirje”, Island Studies Journal, 2015, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 91–110 (coauthors Margareta Gregurović i Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Žensko iskustvo starenja i migracije: pogled s otokâ”, Migracijske i etničke teme, 2014, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 379–404 (coauthor Mario Bara).
  • “Kvaliteta života starijega stanovništva na hrvatskim otocima”, Gerontologija, 2014, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 108–126 ( coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Sociogeografske promjene u naseljima Makarskog primorja”, Zbornik “Makarsko primorje danas” (Eds. Marko Mustapić and Ivan Hrstić). Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar – Grad Makarska, 2012, pp. 101-120 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Sociogeografske promjene u malim otočnim zajednicama − primjer otoka Zlarina”, Geoadria, 2011, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 189-209 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Starenje stanovništva i radna snaga”, Zbornik, 2nd International Conference “Vallis Aurea” (Ed. Branko Katalinić). Požega – Vienna: Veleučilište u Požegi – DAAAM International, 2010, pp. 1149-1157 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Migracija kao sudbina – hrvatski otoci i starenje stanovništva”. Migracije i regionalni razvoj (Ed. Ivan Lajić), Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 2010, pp. 141-162.
  • “Ostarjeti u gradu – primjer Zagreba”, Sociologija i prostor. Zagreb, 2009, vol. 47, no. 185 (3), pp. 241-262 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Sociodemografske značajke i procesi u hrvatskim obalnim gradovima”. Geoadria, Zadar, 2009, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 221-247 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Starenje i neformalna skrb o starim osobama u Hrvatskoj”. Migracijske i etničke teme. Zagreb, 2007, vol. 23, no. 1-2, pp. 111-134 (coauthor Sanja Klempić Bogadi).
  • “Stariji otočani – akteri revitalizacije otočnog prostora”, Zbornik 1. konferencije o kršu (Ed. Juraj Božićević). Gospić: Centar za hrvatski krš i  Ministarstvo znanosti i visokog obrazovanja, 2006, str. 33-40.
  • “Starenje stanovništva naselja Murter”. Murterski godišnjak. Murter, 2005, no. 2, pp. 363-374.
  • “Otočni izazovi: život na periferiji, odlazak ili revitalizacija otočnog mikrosocijalnog ambijenta”. Sociologija sela. Zagreb, 2004, vol. 42, no. 165/166 (3/4), pp. 255-276 (coauthors Dragutin Babić and Ivan Lajić).
  • “Utjecaj migracija na starenje otočnog stanovništva – pet iških priča”, Migracijske i etničke teme, Zagreb, 2002, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 319-338 (coauthor Sanja Klempić).
  • “Integrationsprozesse im Zagreber Stadtteil Dubrava”, In: International Lernen – Lokal Handeln: Interkulturelle Praxis ‘vor Ort’ und Weiterbildung im internationalen Austausch. Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Deutschland, Griechenland, Kroatien, Lettland, den Niederlanden und der Schweiz (ur. Rudolf Leiprecht, Christine Riegel, Josef Held, Gabriele Wiemeyer). Frankfurt am Main – London: IKO-Verlag, 2001, pp. 121-148 (coauthors Ognjen Čaldarović, Carmen Brčić and Melita Švob).
  • “Jugendliche aus dem Zagreber Stadtteil Dubrava während der internationalen Jugendbegegnung ´Über das Zusammenleben und Ausgrenzen in unseren Stadtteilen´”, In: International Lernen – Lokal Handeln: Interkulturelle Praxis ‘vor Ort’ und Weiterbildung im internationalen Austausch. Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus Deutschland, Griechenland, Kroatien, Lettland, den Niederlanden und der Schweiz (Eds. Rudolf Leiprecht, Christine Riegel, Josef Held, Gabriele Wiemeyer). Frankfurt am Main – London: IKO-Verlag, 2001, 201-210 (coauthors Carmen Brčić and Nada Brusar).
  • “Migracijske dileme otočana: od cirkulacije prema migraciji ili ostanku?”, Migracijske i etničke teme, Zagreb, 2001, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 175-194 (coauthors Ivan Lajić and Dragutin Babić).
  • “Kirche und Disco: der soziokulturelle Kontext und die Orientierung von Jugendlichen in Stadtteil Dubrava (Zagreb)”, In: Jugend zwischen Ausgrenzung und Integration: Ergebnisse eines internationalen Projekts, Band II. Berlin-Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 1999, pp. 275-294 (coauthors Vjeran Katunarić and Melita Švob).
  • “Jugend in Dubrava, einem Stadtteil in Zagreb”, In: Jugend zwischen Ausgrenzung und Integration: Ergebnisse eines internationalen Projekts, Band II. Berlin-Hamburg: Argument Verlag, 1999, pp. 246-274 (coauthor Melita Švob and Carmen Brčić).
  • “Utjecaj migracija na starenje stanovništva cresko-lošinjskog otočja”, Migracijske teme, Zagreb, 1999, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 515-530.
  • “Utjecaj migracija na starenje stanovništva dalmatinskih otoka”, u: Migracije u Hrvatskoj – regionalni pristup (Ed. Ivan Lajić). Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 1998, pp.137-169.
  • “Noviji demografski razvitak naselja Murter”, Migracijske teme, Zagreb, 1998, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 191-208 (coauthor Ivan Lajić).
  • “Crkva i disko: sociokulturni kontekst i orijentacije u zagrebačkoj Dubravi”, Migracijske teme, Zagreb, 1998, vol. 14, no. 1-2, pp. 33-64 (coauthors Vjeran Katunarić and Melita Švob).
  • “Youth in Dubrava”, In: Jugend zwishen Ausgrenzung und Integration: Theorien und Methoden eines internationalen Projekts. Zagreb: Institut za migracije i narodnosti, 1997, pp. 107-116 (coauthor Melita Švob).
  • “Jugendforschung in Kroatien”, In: In Grenzen Verstrickt – Jugendliche und Rassismus in Europa (Ed. Rudolf Leiprecht). Duisburg: Duisburger Institut für Sprach und Sozialforschung, 1995, pp. 257-264 (coauthor Melita Švob).
  • “Stariji građani na radu u inozemstvu i njihov povratak – sociološki aspekti”, In: Starost i starenje – izazov današnjice. Makarska: Ministarstvo rada i socijalne skrbi, 1995, pp. 389-393.
  • “Židovi u Hrvatskoj: s posebnim osvrtom na grad Zagreb”, Migracijske teme, Zagreb, 1994, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 55-84 (coauthors Melita Švob and Carmen Brčić).
  • “Psihičke tegobe prognane i izbjegle djece”, Migracijske teme, Zagreb, 1992, vol. 8, no. 3-4, pp. 217-229 (coauthor Josip Anić).
  • “Problemi jedne stare otočne populacije – Šolta”, In: Otočani – otočka demografska istraživanja. Zagreb: Centar za razvoj otoka Ekonomskog instituta u Zagrebu, Institut za migracije i narodnosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1991, pp. 89-109.
  • “Migracije i zdravlje”, Migracijske teme, Zagreb, 1990, vol. 6, no. 4 (supplement), str. 69-79.


2008 – State Award for Science in the Field of Social Sciences in the category of Popularization and Promotion of Science for the book Growing Old on an Island: The Quality of Life of Elderly Populations on Croatian Islands, 2008, Zagreb: Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies.



  • Croatian Sociological Association (CSA)
  • International Small Island Societies Association (ISISA).

List of  chosen publications available at

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