PhD Marko Turk

Position: Senior Research Associate

Title: Senior Research Associate




Academic education

2015. University of Zagreb, Faculty of Teacher Education, PhD in Social Sciences, field of Pedagogy, branch of higher education pedagogy

2012. The University of British Columbia and Croatian Academic and Research Network, Postgraduate Specialisation Programme, Instructional Design in Online Teaching

2007. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, MA in Pedagogy/ Educational Sciences and Philosophy

Scientific and Research Titles

Scientific Titles

2021. Senior Research Associate in Social Sciences, Pedagogy

2015. Research Associate in Social Sciences, Pedagogy

Scientific and Teaching Titles

2020 Associate Professor in Social Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences, Higher  Education (Russia)

2017. Assistant Professor in Social Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences, General Pedagogy and Higher Education Pedagogy (Croatia)

Teaching Titles

2022. Professor of Professional Studies in Interdisciplinary Sciences, Educational Sciences – Pedagogy and European Studies


Employment and professional experience

2024. Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Senior Researcher

2022. – 2024. PAR University of Applied Sciences, Rijeka, Vice dean for Internationalisation and Research, Professor of Professional Studies, Interdisciplinary Sciences, Educational Sciences – Pedagogy and European Studies

2021. – 2023. University of Tomsk, Department of Didactics and Online Learning, Russia, Visiting Associate Professor, Social Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences

2020. – 2022. University of Tyumen, School of Advanced Studies, Russia, Associate Professor, Social Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences

2019. – 2020. PAR Business School Rijeka, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences

2009. – 2018. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Junior Assistant, Senior Assistant, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, Pedagogy

2009. – 2011. Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka, Teaching Assistant, Social Sciences, Pedagogy

2008. – 2009. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Teaching  Assistant, Social Sciences, Pedagogy

2008. – 2009. Rectorate of the University of Rijeka, University FoundationHead of the Office

2007. – 2008. Rectorate of the University of Rijeka, University Foundation Professional Associate


Scientific interest

Higher education: academic profession, teaching competencies in higher education, professional socialization, well-being and mental health of early career researchers

European education: the European dimension in education among different educational stakeholders and policies

Competencies of educational practitioners

Teaching activity

2019. – 2020. Veleučilište PAR, Rijeka, profesor stručnog studija

Kolegiji: Metodologija stručnog rada (nositelj), metodologija istraživačkog rada (nositelj)

2020. – 2023. Sveučilište u Tomsku, Odjel za didaktiku i online učenje, Rusija, gostujući izvanredni profesor

Kolegij: Learning Design and Leadership

2020. – 2023. Sveučilište u Tjumenu, School of Advanced Studies, izvanredni profesor

Kolegiji: Writing, Thinking, Analysis and Interpretation

First Year Seminar

Great Educational Thinkers

Qualitative Research

Educational Research 

Fundamental Theories of Learning

Curricular and Instructional Design

Evaluation in Education

2019. – 2020. Visoka poslovna škola PAR, docent

Kolegiji: Metodologija stručnog rada (nositelj)

Metodologija istraživačkog rada (nositelj)

Komunikacijske i prezentacijske vještine (nositelj)

2009. – 2018. Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, znanstveni novak-asistent, viši asistent, docent

Kolegiji: Povijest odgoja i obrazovanja (asistent)

Didaktika (asistent)

Obrazovna politika (asistent)

Europska dimenzija u obrazovanju (asistent)

Europski prostor visokog obrazovanja: strukture i trendovi (asistent)

Obrazovanje i globalizacijski procesi (asistent)

Opća pedagogija (viši asistent/ docent – nositelj)

Komunikacija u odgoju i obrazovanju (viši asistent/ docent – nositelj)

Metodološki seminar izrade diplomskog rada (viši asistent/ docent – nositelj)

Doktorski seminar 1 (docent – sunositelj)

2009. – 2011. Akademija primjenjenih umjetnosti u Rijeci, naslovni asistent

Kolegiji: Didaktika

Obrazovna politika

2008. – 2009. Filozofski fakultet u Rijeci, naslovni asistent

Kolegiji: Didaktika

Obrazovna politika

 2019. – 2020. PAR University of Applied Sciences, Rijeka, Professor of 
Professional Studies, Courses: Research Methodology 1, Research Methodology 2
2020. – 2023. University of Tomsk, Department of Didactics and Online, 
Learning, Russia, Visiting Associate Professor, Social Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences, Course: Learning Design and Leadership
2020. – 2023. University of Tyumen, School of Advanced Studies, Visiting  Associate Professor, Social Sciences, Pedagogical Sciences, Courses: Writing, Thinking, Analysis and Interpretation, First Year Seminar, Great Educational Thinkers, Qualitative Research, Educational Research, Fundamental Theories of Learning, Curricular and Instructional Design, Evaluation in Education
2019. – 2020. PAR Business School, Assistant Professor in Social Sciences
Courses: Research Methodology 1, Research Methodology 2, Communication and Presentation Skills
2009. – 2018. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Junior Assistant, Senior Assistant, Assistant Professor, Social Sciences, Pedagogy, Courses: History of Education, Didactics, Educational Policy, European Dimension in Education, European Higher Education Area: Trends and Structures, Globalisation Processes in Education, General Pedagogy, Communication in Education, Research seminar, Doctoral seminar 1
2009. – 2011. Academy of Applied Arts in Rijeka, Teaching Assistant, Social Sciences, Pedagogy, Courses: Didactics and Educational Policy
2008. – 2009. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Rijeka, Teaching  Assistant, Social Sciences, Pedagogy, Courses: Didactics and  Educational Policy


Scientific research projects:

1. “Well-being and mental health of scientists at the beginning of their career in Croatia – a longitudinal study”, HRZZ research project, researcher, 2023 – ongoing

2. “Experimental Approaches in Higher Education”, a research project of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, researcher, 2020-2022

3. “Student-centered teaching: prerequisites for implementation in the national system of higher education”, research project of the University of Rijeka, leader, 2017-2018

4. “Academic profession in the knowledge society”, research project of the University of Rijeka, researcher, 2016-2017

5. “European dimension in education: approaches and challenges”, PhD student, postdoctoral student, researcher, 2013-2018

6. “Competence profile of the academic profession: between new requirements and opportunities”, PhD student, postdoctoral student, 2014-2017

7. “Academic profession and social expectations: challenges of the university’s civil mission”, EUROCORE/EUROHES/ project of the European Science Foundation and HRZZ, PhD student, 2009-2011

8. “University and external environment in the context of European integration processes”, research project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, research assistant/doctoral student, 2007-2013

Research-professional and market projects:

1. “European Dual Studies University (EU4Dual)”, Erasmus+, 2022 – ongoing

2. “Innovative Support for Promoting Refugee Entrepreneurship in Tourism (INSPIRE)”, Erasmus+, 2023 – 2024

3. “Quality of Interaction of the Virtual Auditorium – VIRTUAL AUDITORIUM”, Erasmus+, 2023 – 2024

4. “Supporting Inclusion and Diversity in Teaching (SIDIT)”, Erasmus+, (2021-2023)

5. “Basic economic and financial skills of youth for building an economy that works for people (BEFS)”, 2021-2022

6. “Modernisation of the system of VET teachers’ professional development”, ESF project, 2018 – 2019

7. “Modernisation of Higher Education Institutions through enhancement of Human Resources Management function”, Erasmus+, 2016-2018

8. “Emphasis on developing and upgrading of competencies for academic teaching”, Erasmus+, 2016-2018

Professional projects (selected):

1. KOZMOK HKO project, University of Applied Sciences Velika Gorica, 2019 – 2022

2. CISUR – Strengthening judicial cooperation in the application of the Inheritance Regulation in Croatia and Slovenia, Croatian Law Center, Faculty of Law in Zagreb, Institute for Peace Studies Ljubljana, 2019-2020

3. Modernization of the professional training system for teachers of vocational subjects, ESF project, Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education, 2019 – 2021

4. Modernization of Higher Education Institutions through enhancement of Human Resources Management function, Erasmus+, Agency for Science and Higher Education, 2016-2018

5. Emphasis on developing and upgrading of competencies for academic teaching, Erasmus+, 2016-2018

6. QUALITYWATCH: Active role of civil society organizations in monitoring and promoting quality in higher education in Croatia, IPA project, 2014-2016

7. UNAPRORI: Improvement of the program evaluation process at the University of Rijeka: pilot project, HKO project, member of the expert committee for defining qualification standards and professions in the program “Management in Higher Education”, 2015-2016


Selected bibliography


1. Teaching and Research in the Professional Socialization of Junior Researchers / Ledić, Jasminka; Turk, Marko (Eds) Rijeka: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2017

2. Ledić, Jasminka; Miočić, Ivana; Turk, Marko. The European Dimension in Education: Approaches and Challenges. Rijeka: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2016.

3. Turk, Marko; Ledić, Jasminka. Competencies of the Academic Profession. Fata volentem ducunt, nolentem trahunt. Rijeka: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, 2016.

4. Ledić, Jasminka; Staničić, Stjepan; Turk, Marko. Competencies of School Pedagogues. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013.

Papers in anthologies and magazines (selected):

1. Arslan, Ayla; Turk, Marko. Wikipedia as an academic service-learning tool in science and technology: higher education case from Siberia // Journal of community genetics, 14 (2023), 6; 1-16. doi: 10.1007/s12687-023-00692-6

2. Turk, Marko; Kušić, Siniša. We Have Never Thought About It Before: Croatian Vocational Teachers’ Understanding of (European) Identity // Kontinentalna Hrvatska: historical context, current events and perspectives in the future (1), 2023. p. 557-575

3. Turk, Marko. Twenty-five years of the European dimension in education in Croatia: Research origins, theoretical deficiencies, and the future development pathway Journal of Social Science Education, 21 (2022), 1; 176-199. doi: 10.11576/jsse-4261

4. Turk, Marko. Academics’ Self-Assessment Regarding the Mastery of the Academic Profession Competencies // Academia (Patra), 23-24 (2021), 46-66. doi: 10.26220/aca.3597

5. Turk, Marko; Ledić, Jasminka. School pedagogues and the European dimension of education in Croatia // Sodobna pedagogika, 70 (1336) (2019), 1; 108-123

6. Turk, Marko; Ledić, Jasminka. Between Teaching and Research : Challenges of the Academic Profession in Croatia // CEPS – Center for Educational policy Studies Journal, 6 (2016), 1; 95-111

7. Prijić-Samaržija, Snježana; Avelini-Holjevac, Ivanka; Turk, Marko. Women in Science: the Glass Ceiling // Journal of Social Sciences, 18 (2009), 6; 1049-1073

More extensive bibliography


Google Scholar: 


In Addition

2023 – ongoing – Representative of the Republic of Croatia in the Advisory Committee of the European Commission for Vocational Education and Training

2021 – ongoing – Editorial board member: International Journal of Modern Education Studies, Journal of Education and Recreation Patterns, Journal of Praxis in Higher Education, Futurity Education

2017 – 2018 – President of the Association for the Development of Higher Education “Universitas”

2016 – Ministry of Education and Science working group member for the development of recommendations on quality teaching and learning in national higher education

2015 – University of Rijeka working group member for the development of occupational standards and qualifications for management in higher education

2013 – Annual award for the best online course, European dimension in education, University of Rijeka (co-authored with Professor Jasminka Ledić)

2013 – Annual award for early career researchers in the field of social sciences and humanities, University of Rijeka Foundation

2009 – 2018 – member of the Executive Board of the Association for the Development of Higher Education “Universitas”

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