Ph. D. Darko Gavrilović

Job Position: Senior Scientific Advisor

Title: Senior Scientific Advisor in a Permanent Position




Academic Education

  • 2002 – “Svetozar Pribicevic and Croats, 1875 – 1936,” Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  • 1999 – “Stjepan Radic and Serbs, 1871 – 1918,” Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
  • 1993 – “Stjepan Radic in the Political Life of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes,” Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad

Employment and Professional Experience

  •  2023 – Institute for Migrations and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb
  • 2010 – Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad
  • 2008 – Faculty of European Legal-Political Studies, Singidunum University
  • 2000 – Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka
  • 1996 – Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad
  • 1994 – Elementary School “Jovan Popovic,” Novi Sad

Teaching Activities

  • 2010 – Elective Courses: “History of Cultures and Civilizations,” “Political Geography,” “National History,” “History”; Department of Geography, Tourism, and Hotel Management, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad



  • 2019 University of Porto, Portugal (Erasmus Plus)
  • 2019 University of Dubrovnik, Republic of Croatia (Erasmus Plus)
  • 2018 Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Republic of Poland (Tempus project)
  • 2017 Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Republic of Greece (Erasmus Plus)
  • 2004 University of Lodz, Lodz, Republic of Poland (invited lecture)
  • 2004 Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic (invited lecture)

Research Interests

Croatian-Serbian Political Relations, Political Myths, Holocaust, History of Christianity


“Concepts of Nationalism and Patriotism in Serbian Political Discourse – Medieval, Modern, Contemporary,” Prof. Dr. Sc. Smilja Marjanovic-Dusanic, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, 2022 – 2025.

“Social Relations of Serbs and Croats, National Identity, and Minority Rights from the Perspective of European Integration,” Prof. Dr. Sc. Sasha Markovic, Faculty of Education, Sombor, 2011 – 2025.

Selected Bibliography

Selected Books

  • Gavrilovic D., Veselinovic J., (2022) Serbs in Croatia – the Path to Identity Protection, Center for History, Democracy, and Reconciliation, Petrovaradin – Zagreb: Maxima Graf, Serbian National Council.
  • Gavrilovic, D. (2018) Myth of the Enemy – Antisemitism of Dimitrije Ljotic. Belgrade: Sluzbeni glasnik.
  • Gavrilovic D. (2014) Hatreds, Wars, Demons of the Christian World. Belgrade: Official Sluzbeni glasnik.
  • Perica V. & Gavrilovic D. (eds.), (2011) Political Myths in the Former Yugoslavia and Successor States (A Shared Narratives), Hague – Dordrecht: Institute for Historical Justice and Reconciliation – Republic of Letters.
  • Gavrilovic D. (2009) Jesus’ Image in the History of Culture. Novi Sad: Stylos.


Selected Papers in Journals and Proceedings

Stojsavljević, R., Gavrilović, D., Ninković, N., Marković, V., Kobilarov, A., Stamenković, I. (2023). Plague epidemics in the southern region of the Habsburg Monarchy in the XVIII century – fear, prejudices, and consequences. Vojnosanitetski pregled, 2023 Volume 80, Issue 2, p. 188-194.

Gavrilović, D., Lazić, L. (2022). “Novo Vreme” on the reception of refugees in Serbia during the government of Milan Aćimović in 1941, pp. 520 – 533. Historical and Contemporary Aspects of Migrations / Proceedings, Volume III, Zagreb.

Pivac T., Blešić I., Besermenji S., Gavrilović D. (2020). Attitudes of the local population on the importance of events nourishing the culture and tradition of Croats in Vojvodina. Tourism, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 46-56.

Đukičin – Vučković, S., Gavrilović, D., Ivanović – Bibić, Lj. (2020). Gender and age structure as factors of sustainability of the Romanian population in Vojvodina. “Migrations and Identity, Culture, Economy, State,” Zagreb, pp. 702 – 709.

Gavrilović, D. (2020). Peaceful education and the sustainabilty of Croats in Serbia. Yearbook for Scientific Research, Institute for the Culture of the Danube Croats, no. 12, pp. 147-153.

Marković, S., Fitzsimmons, K., Sprafke, T., Gavrilović, D., Smalley, I., Jović, V., Svirčev, Z., Gavrilov, M., Bešlin, M. (2016). The History of Danube loess research. Quaternary International, 399, 86-99.

Gavrilović, D. (2016). How the Ustasha regime exploited prejudices and stereotypes about Jews in creating the Myth about Enemy. Висник Харкивского Националного Университету, No.53, Kharkiv.

Gavrilović, D. (2014). Freemasons’ Work on Serbian-Croatian cooperation from the end of the 19th century until the beginning of the First World War, in Momčilo Pavlović (ed.), First World War and Balkan Knot, Belgrade, Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade, pp. 277-289.

Gavrilović, D., Vasin, G., Mikavica, M. (2013). Prejudices, treatment, and nutrition of typhus in Serbia during the war years 1914-1915. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol. 11 (no.3&4), pp. 335-339.

Gavrilović, D. (2012). Problems of transition in Serbia and the position of the Croatian national minority in Vojvodina. Croatian – Serbian Relations; Resolving Outstanding Issues, Petrovaradin, pp. 115-132.

Gavrilović, D. (2011). Deconstruction of liberal myths – the example of the myth of Christ as the driving force of modern economy. Serbian Political Thought, vol. 32, no. 2/2011, pp. 191-208.

Gavrilović, D. (2009). The League of the Godless and using the former clergy for creating the new spiritual life in Soviet Russia. Kultura Polisa, no. 11/12, pp. 659-666.


2017 – Second prize for the manuscript “Myth of the Enemy – Antisemitism of Dimitrije Ljotic” by the Society of Jewish Communities in Serbia (SJOS).

2004 – “Saints Cyril and Methodius” Award for contributions to the study of Slavic cultural connections by the Slavic Circle of the Faculty of Philology, University of Lodz, for the monograph “Fields of Culture of Medieval Serbia.”

2012 – Award from the students of the Faculty of Sciences for the highest-rated professor.

2000 – Second prize from the Society of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia for the novel “Kamenduh.”


  • Center for History, Democracy, and Reconciliation, CHDR, Novi Sad, President of the Board
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