Ph.D. Ana Perinić Lewis

Position: Research advisor




Academic and scientific degrees:

2022 research advisor (Humanities, Ethnology and Anthropology)
2017 senior research associate (Humanities, Ethnology and Anthropology)
2012 research associate (Humanities, Ethnology and Anthropology)
2011 PhD in Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zagreb
2000 BA in Croatian language and literature and Ethnology, University of Zagreb

Work experience:

2022 senior research associate, Institute Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb
2012 – 2022 research associate, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb
2003 – 2011 research assistant, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb
2000 – 2003 teacher of Croatian language and literature (High School Oroslavje)

Scientific projects

  • 2023 – 2025 project collaborator Slovenian-Croatian bilateral project of the Slovenian Research Agency and Croatian Science Foundation “Isolated People and Communities in Slovenia and Croatia (ISOLATION)”, IPS-2022-02-3741 (P.I. Lana Peternel, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb and Dan Podjed, Slovenian Academy of Science and Arts – Institute of Slovenian Ethnology ZRC SAZU)
  • 2022 – 2024. project collaborator “Solidarity Economy in Croatia: Anthropological Perspective (SOLIDARan)” HRZZ IP-2019-04-3946 (P.I. Olga Orlić, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb)
  • 2018 – 2023 project collaborator “Health, Cultural, and Biological Determinants of Longevity: Anthropological Perspective on Survival in Very Old Age” HRZZ IP-2018-01-2497 (P.I. Tatjana Škarić-Jurić, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb)
  • 2017 – 2018 project collaborator “Popularization of Cultural-Anthropological Research of Gorski Kotar (GORan)”, Croatian Ministry of Science and Education (P.I. Olga Orlić, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb)
  • 2016 – 2017 principal investigator “Petar Klepac – Hero with Two Homelands (PEKEL)” Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project, (P.I. A. Perinić Lewis, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb and S. Poljak Istenič, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology ZRC SAZU)
  • 2015 – 2018 project collaborator “Croatian Islands Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS)” Croatian Science Foundation, HRZZ UIP-2014-09-6598 (P.I. Saša Missoni, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb)
  • 2012 – 2015 project collaborator “Genetic and Environmental Factors of Insulin Resistance Syndrome and Its Long-Term Complication in Immigrant Mediterranean Populations (MEDIGENE)”, FP7, No. 279171 (P.I. Florin Grigorescu, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France)
  • 2011 – 2012 project collaborator “Basic anthropological terminology (ANTRONA)”, Croatian Science Foundation, No. 07.01./22 (P.I. Prof. Anita Sujoldžić, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb)
  • 2007 – 2008 project collaborator “Genetics of Metabolic Syndrome in an Adriatic Island Population”, NIH, USA (P.I. Prof. Ranjan Deka, University of Cincinnati, USA and Prof. Pavao Rudan, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • 2007 – 2014 project collaborator “The Population Structure of Croatia – Anthropogenetic Approach”, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport, 196-1962766-2751 (P.I. Prof. Pavao Rudan, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia)
  • 2003 – 2006 project collaborator “The Population Structure of Croatia – Anthropogenetic Approach”, Croatian Ministry of Science, Education, and Sport, 0196005 (P.I. Prof. Pavao Rudan, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb)
  • 2003 – 2005 project collaborator “Genetics of Complex Traits and Diseases in Croatian Genetic Isolate” Medical Research Council, UK (I.: Prof. Alan Wright, Prof. Andrew Carothers, Human Genetics Unit, Medical Research Council, Edinburgh, UK; Prof. Harry Campbell, University of Edinburg, UK; Prof. Igor Rudan, Prof. Pavao Rudan, Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb, Croatia)

Research interests

sociocultural anthropology, island studies, island communities, Mediterranean studies, migration, identification processes, stereotypes, folkloristics, cultural tourism, anthropology of ageing, anthropology of death

Memberships in Professional Organizations and Associations

Croatian Anthropological Society (HAD); Croatian Ethnological Society (HED), International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF), International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES), NGO Anatomy of Islands – Centre for Research and Development

CROSBI profile:


Bibliography (selection)

Book Chapters

  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Rudan, Pavao. Two Islands in One: The Island of Hvar. In: The Notion of Near Islands: The Croatian Archipelago, ed. Nenad Starc, Lanham, Boulder, New York, London: Izdavač Rowman & Littlefield Publishers / Rowman & Littlefield International, pp. 173-197.
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Rajić Šikanjić, Petra. 2020. Hidden Historical Cemetery in a Zagreb Neighbourhood. U: Encountering Fear. eds. Natka Badurina, Una Bauer, Renata Jambrešić Kirin, Jelena Marković, Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, pp. 355-367
  • Moric, Anja; Perinić Lewis, Ana. Peter Klepec – silni slovensko-hrvaški junak. U: Močni, modri in dobri: junaki v slovenski folklori. ur. Božidar Jezernik, Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 109-140 (doi: 10.4312/9789610602637).


Scientific papers

  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Rajić Šikanjić, Petra; Miloš, Maja; Kolarić, Branko. 2022. Death, Funerals and Mourning on the Croatian Islands during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Collegium antropologicum. Supplement, 46 (3): 229-235, doi:10.5671/ca.46.3.6
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Škarić-Jurić, Tatjana; Despot Lučanin, Jasminka; Smolić, Šime. 2022. The lasting impact of war experiences on quality of life in long-lived retirement homes residents: The birth cohort 1906–1928. Ageing and society doi:https://.org/10.1017/S0144686X22000319 (online first)
  • Šarac, Jelena; Havaš Auguštin, Dubravka; Perinić Lewis, Ana; Jarec, Morana; Mrdjen Hodžić, Rafaela; Novokmet, Natalija; Sujoldžić, Anita; Rudan, Pavao. 2022. Genetic landscape of the Hvar Island – highlight of a 50-year long bioanthropological research. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 361–397 DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/2022/1546
  • Matečić, Ingeborg; Rajić Šikanjić, Petra; Perinić Lewis, Ana. 2021. The Potential of forgotten and hidden Zagreb historical cemeteries in the design of ‘dark’ tourist experiences, Journal of Heritage Tourism 16 (4): 450– (
  • Rajić Šikanjić, Petra; Perinić Lewis, Ana. St George’s Cemetery on Jurjevska Street – a forgotten place of local and national memory, u: Life and death in mediaeval and early modern times. Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology of the Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, 6th and 7th June 2018, Zbornik Instituta za arheologiju, Siniša Krznar, Tajana Sekelj Ivančan, Juraj Belaj, Tatjana Tkalčec, (ur.). Zagreb: Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, 271–276. (ISBN 978-953-6064-47-2)
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Zajc Petranović, Matea; Carić, Tonko; Pribačić Ambrožić, Vanda; Karelović, Deni; Janković, Stipan; Missoni, Saša. 2019. A sociodemographic profile of the participants in the Croatian Islands’ Birth Cohort Study (CRIBS), Croatian Geographical Bulletin 81 (1): 83– 105 (doi: https://.org/10.21861/HGG.2019.81.01.04)
  • Matečić, Ingeborg; Perinić Lewis, Ana. 2018. Island branding as a tool for reinforcing local island identities: the case of Hvar, Acta turistica, 30 (2): 155–184 (doi: https://.org/10.22598/at/2018.30.2.155)
  • Moric, Anja; Perinić Lewis, Ana. Petar Klepac/Peter Klepec/Pitr Kljepc: A Borderland Hero and the Manifestations of his Strength, Narodna umjetnost: hrvatski časopis za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 55 (1): 135–158. (doi: 10.15176/vol55no108)
  • Novokmet, Natalija; Havaš Auguštin, Dubravka; Šarac, Jelena; Perinić Lewis, Ana; Missoni, Saša; Rudan, Pavao. 2018. Anthropometric Measurements of Hvar Islanders and Changes in Secular Trend of Height – Evidence from the Village of Gdinj, Collegium antropologicum, 42 (3): 101–106
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Adžija, Maja. 2015. Globalna i lokalna plaža na primjeru dubrovačkih gradskih plaža i plažnih kultura, Studia ethnologica Croatica, 27: 415–447
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Škrbić Alempijević, Nevena. ‘Nothing without Neighbours’ – Interlocal Relations and Campanilistic Narratives on Two Croatian Islands and Campanilistic Narratives on Two Croatian Islands, Journal of Mediterranean Studies, 23 (2): 153–168.
  • Šarac, Jelena; Šarić, Tena; Havaš Auguštin, Dubravka; Jeran, Nina; Kovačević, Lejla; Cvjetan, Svjetlana; Perinić Lewis, Ana; Metspalu, Ene; Reidla, Maere; Novokmet, Natalija; Vidovič, Maruška; Nevajda, Branimir; Glasnović, Anton; Marjanović, Damir; Missoni, Saša; Villems, Richard; Rudan, Pavao. 2014. Maternal genetic heritage of Southeastern Europe reveals a new Croatian isolate and a novel, local subbranching in X2 haplogroup. Annals of human genetics. 78 (3): 178–194
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana. 2012. Città Vecchia and Lesina – Everlasting Animosity on the Island of Hvar, Collegium Antropologicum, 36 (1): 261–264
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana. 2011. Hvarski kampanilizam – stereotipi i podrugljivi etnici otoka Hvara, Studia ethnologica Croatica, 23 (1): 215–237
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana; Rudan, Pavao. 2011. “Došlo je doba svjetlosti! Stratiko je u Hvaru!” – biskup prosvjetitelj Ivan Dominik Stratiko o Hvaranima, Rad Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, Razred društvene znanosti, 48 (510): 83–100
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana. 2010. “Kome more, a kome voda”: Motiv vode u usmenim hvarskim pjesmama, Narodna umjetnost, 47 (2): 113–145
  • Perinić Lewis, Ana. 2008. Ethnohistorical Processes and Demographic Structure of the Island of Rab, Croatia, Collegium antropologicum, 32 (3): 945–958
  • Perinić, Ana. 2006. The “Harsh Inhabitants of Hvar” in the Speech of Vinko Pribojević (A.D. 1525), Collegium antropologicum, 30 (3): 629-635
  • Perinić, Ana. 2006. Moliški Hrvati. Rekonstrukcija kreiranja i reprezentacije jednog etničkog identiteta, Etnološka tribina. 36 (29): 91– 106
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