2005 – 2008 Post-doctoral research grant of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, New York, USA
1999 Doctor of Philosophy in Biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
1996 UNESCO/TWA scholarship for HUGO program at the Department of Genetics, Biology and Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Torino, Italy
1994 Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences, Northeastern University, Bouvé College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston, USA
1991 Bachelor of Science in Biology, Emmanuel College, Boston, USA
2024 – now Senior researcher at the Institute for Migration Research, Zagreb
2023 – 2024 Strategy Advisor at the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), Zagreb
2019 – 2023 Executive Director/Acting Director at the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), Zagreb
2020 – now Associate professor of anthropology at the Croatian Catholic University, Zagreb
2015 – now Assistant professor of anthropology at the Croatian Catholic University, Zagreb
2014 – 2018 Senior researcher at the Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Zagreb
2010 – 2013 Senior researcher at the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies, Zagreb
2008 – 2010 Chief Executive Officer at Lavandula vera d.o.o., Zagreb
1995 – 2008 Doctoral student, post-doctoral researcher and senior researcher at the Institute for Anthropological Research, Zagreb
1991 – 1992 Interpreter for the European Union Monitoring Mission in Croatia and in the office of the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Croatia
1990 – 1991 Student internship at Harvard Medical School, Cellular Physiology and Biophysics Laboratory, Boston, USA
Scientific diaspora, research culture, research integrity, open science, science policy
Anthropology, population structure, bio-cultural determinants of health and well-being
2015 – 2016 Mentor in the project “New Paradigms in Sustainability Research – Green Economy and Well-being of Youth” of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia and European Social Fund
2014 – 2017 Principal investigator in the project of the Croatian Science Foundation “Modernity Stress, Youth and Migration” (09.01./408)
2010 – 2013 Researcher in the project of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia “The Influence of Migration on Regional Development in Croatia (076-0762385-2375)
2007 – 2013 Researcher in the project of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia “Molecular-genetic portrait of the Roma – an isolated founder population model” (196-1962766-2763)
2005 – 2008 Principal investigator in the post-doctoral research project of the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research “Population Structure and Genetic History of Western Balkan Roma” (7349)
2003 – 2005 Researcher in the project of the Royal Society, “Genetic Epidemiological Investigations of Croatian Island Isolate Populations”
2002 – 2007 Researcher in the project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia “Anthropological Investigations of the Population Structure of Croatia – Anthropogenetic Approach” (0196005)
1997 – 2002 Researcher in the project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia “Anthropological Investigations of the Population Structure of Croatia” (019601)
1995 – 1997 Researcher in the project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia “Anthropological Investigations of the Population Structure of Croatia” (3-01-133)
1995 – 1997 Researcher in the project of the Smithsonian Institution “Biological and Cultural Micro-differentiation of the Rural Populations (Middle Dalmatia – Croatia)”
Books and book chapters
Martinović Klarić, I. Y Chromosome and the Search for the New Homeland – Tracing the Y Chromosome Legacy from South-Asian to Balkan Wastelands and Obliquities: Genetic History and Reality of the Bayash and Roma. Sveučilišna knjižara, Zagreb, 2009.
Martinović Klarić, I. Croatian biological anthropology in the socialist period. In: Bošković, Aleksandar and Chris Hann (eds.). The Anthropological Field on the Margins of Europe, 1945-1991. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 29. Berlin: LIT-Verlag, 2013.
Milas, G. and I. Martinović Klarić. Roma Inclusion in the Croatian Society: Health Care and Social Welfare. Zagreb: Office for Human Rights and the Rights of National Minorities of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, 2020.
Martinović Klarić, I., L. Peternel, B. Ančić. Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Other National Commitments in the Field of Health. Croatia: A multi-stakeholder perspective report on 2005 – 2014 developments. International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Equi-Health project: Fostering health provisions for migrants, the Roma, and other vulnerable groups. IOM, Brussels, 2014. (
Policy contributions
Kujundžić Tiljak, M., Klarica, M., Reiner, Ž., Borovečki, A., Vradenburg, G., Anić, B., Đogaš, Z., Mitrečić, D., Martinović Klarić, I., Radin, D. et al. Policy paper on healthy ageing – BFHA2020 conference. Liječnički vjesnik: glasilo Hrvatskoga liječničkog zbora / Anić, Branimir (ed.). 2020. pp. 153-158 doi: 10.26800/LV-142-Suppl1-6
Research articles
Martinović Klarić, I. Population structure of the rural communities from the island of Krk (Croatia): A comparison of biological (genetic), bio-cultural, cultural and geographic data. American Journal of Human Biology 12: 509-525, 2000.
Martinović Klarić, I., L. Barać, D. Buković, I. Furač, G. Geber, B. Janićijević, M. Kubat, M. Peričić, B. Vidović Pupić, P. Rudan. STR variation in eight village populations of the island of Korčula (Croatia). Annals of Human Biology 28: 281-294, 2001.
Tolk, H., L. Barać, M. Peričić, I. Martinović Klarić, B. Janićijević, H. Campbell, I. Rudan, T. Kivisild, R. Villems, P. Rudan. The evidence of mtDNA haplogroup F in a European population and its ethnohistoric implications. European Journal of Human Genetics 9: 717-723, 2001.
Barać, L., M. Peričić, I. Martinović Klarić, S. Rootsi, B. Janićijević, T. Kivisild, J. Parik, I. Rudan, R. Villems, P. Rudan. Y chromosomal heritage of Croatian population and its island isolates. European Journal of Human Genetics 11: 535-542, 2003.
Babalini, C., C. Martínez-Labarga, H.-V. Tolk, T. Kivisild, R. Giampaolo, T. Tarsi, I. Contini, L. Barać, B. Janićijević, I. Martinović Klarić, M. Peričić, A. Sujoldžić, R. Villems, G. Biondi, P. Rudan, O. Rickards. The population history of the Croatian linguistic minority of Molise (southern Italy): a maternal view. European Journal of Human Genetics 13: 902-912, 2005.
Martinović Klarić, I., M. Peričić, L. Barać Lauc, B. Janićijević, M. Kubat, D. Pavičić, I. Rudan, N. Wang, L. Jin, R. Chakraborty, R. Deka, P. Rudan. Genetic variation at nine short tandem repeat loci in the Croatian populations. Human Biology 77: 471-486, 2005.
Peričić, M., L. Barać Lauc, I. Martinović Klarić, S. Rootsi, B. Janićijević, I. Rudan, R. Terzić, I. Čolak, A. Kvesić, D. Popović, A. Šijački, I. Behluli, D. Đorđević, Lj. Efremovska, Đ. D. Bajec, B. D. Stefanović, R. Villems, P. Rudan. High-resolution phylogenetic analysis of Southeastern Europe (SEE) traces major episodes of paternal gene flow among Slavic populations. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22: 1964-1975, 2005.
Vitart, V., Z. Biloglav, C. Hayward, B. Janićijević, N. Smolej-Narančić, L.Barać, M. Peričić, I. Martinović Klarić, T. Škarić-Jurić, M. Barbalić, O. Polašek, I. Kolčić, A. Carothers, P. Rudan, N. Hastie, A. Wright, H. Campbell, I. Rudan. 3000 years of solitude: extreme differentiation in the island isolates of Dalmatia, Croatia. European Journal of Human Genetics 14: 478–487, 2006.
Vitart, V., I. Rudan, C. Hayward, N. K. Gray, J. Floyd, C. N. A. Palmer, S. A. Knott, I. Kolčić, O. Polašek, J. Graessler, J. F. Wilson, A. Marinaki, P. L. Riches, X. Shu, B. Janićijević, N. Smolej-Narančić, B. Gorgoni, J. Morgan, S. Campbell, Z. Biloglav, L. Barać Lauc, M. Peričić, I. Martinović Klarić, L. Zgaga, T. Škarić-Jurić, S. H. Wild, W. A Richardson, P. Hohenstein, C. H. Kimber, A. Tenesa, L. A. Donnelly, L. D. Fairbanks, M. Aringer, P. M. McKeigue, S. H. Ralston, A. D. Morris, P. Rudan, N. D. Hastie, H. Campbell, A. F. Wright. SLC2A9 is a newly identified urate transporter influencing serum urate concentration, urate excretion and gout. Nature Genetics 40: 437-442, 2008.
Martinović Klarić, I., M. Peričić Salihović, L. Barać Lauc, L. A. Zhivotovsky, S. Rootsi, B. Janićijević. Dissecting the molecular architecture and origin of Bayash Romani patrilineages: genetic influences from South-Asia and the Balkans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 333-342, 2009.
Peričić Salihović, M., A. Barešić, I. Martinović Klarić, S. Cukrov, L. Barać Lauc, B. Janićijević. The role of the Vlax Roma in shaping the European Romani maternal genetic history. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 146: 262-270, 2011.
Stolk, L., J. R. B. Perry, D. I. Chasman, C. He, M. Mangino, P. Sulem, M. Barbalić, L. Broer, E. M. Byrne… I. Martinović Klarić, … K. L. Lunetta. Meta-analyses identify 13 loci associated with age at menopause and highlight DNA repair and immune pathways. Nature Genetics 44: 260-268, 2012.
Peternel, L., A. Malnar, I. Martinović Klarić. Cultural importance of two lifestyle sub-domains (education & professional life and intimate & family relationships) in Croatian youth: Significance for holistic anthropological research. Journal of Anthropological Research 70: 411-437, 2014.
Peternel, L., A. Malnar, I. Martinović Klarić. The analysis of cultural consensus model of two good life sub-domains – health & well-being and migration & socio-economic milieu – in three population groups from Croatia. Journal of Biosocial Science 47: 469-92, 2015.
Locke, A.E., Kahali, B., Berndt, S.I., Justice, A.E., Pers, T.H., Day, F.R., Powell, C., Vedantam, S., Buchkovich, M.L., …, Barać Lauc, L., Broekmans, F.J., Burri, A., Chen, C., Corre, T., Coviello, A.D., D’adamo, P., Davies, G., Deary, I.J., Ebrahim, S., Fauser, B.C., Ferreli, L., Folsom, A.R., Hankinson, S.E., Hass, M., Janssens, A.C., Karasik, D., Keyzer, J., Kiel, D.P., Lahti, J., Lai, S., Laisk, T., Laven, J.S., Liu, J., Lopez, L.M., Louwers, Y.V., Marongiu, M., Martinović Klarić, I., … Econs, M.J. Genetic studies of body mass index yield new insights for obesity biology. Nature 518: 97-20, 2015.
Šupe-Domić, D., G. Milas, I. Drmić Hofman, L. Rumora, I. Martinović Klarić. Daily salivary cortisol profile: Insights from Croatian Late Adolescence Stress Study (CLASS). Biochemia Medica 26: 293-464, 2016.
Milas G., I. Martinović Klarić, A. Malnar, D. Šupe‐Domić, G. M. Slavich. Socioeconomic status, social‐cultural values, life stress, and health behaviors in a national sample of adolescents. Stress and Health. 35(2): 217-224, 2019.
Milas, G., I. Martinović Klarić, A. Malnar, V. Saftić, D. Šupe‐Domić, G. M. Slavich. The impact of stress and coping strategies on life satisfaction in a national sample of adolescents: A structural equation modelling approach. Stress and Health 37 (5): 1026-1034, 2021.
Selected bibliography