Scientific conference
Demographic Research – Data, Methods and Processes
Zagreb, 22 September 2017
The scientific conference “Demographic Research – Data, Methods and Processes” was held on September 22, 2017 in Zagreb in the New Hall of the Faculty of Economics, co-organized by the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb and the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies. The conference was organized within the bilateral scientific research project between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia “The Low Fertility in Croatia and Serbia From a Periodic and Cohort Perspective – Better Understanding for Better Projections. The coordinator from Croatia was the Faculty of Economics, University of Zagreb, and from Serbia the Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade.
Eighteen experts from three countries participated in the scientific conference: Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. The work in the sessions was preceded by two introductory lectures on preparations for the 2021 Census in Croatia and Serbia. Fourteen papers were presented in three sessions.
Dr. sc. Sanja Klempić Bogadi participated in the Scientific Committee and the Organization Committee, and dr. Sc. Sonja Podgorelec was the moderator of the third session.