Anthropological Perspectives of Integration and Acculturation of Croats in Belgium Throughout History
Project leader: Anna Malnar
The Croatian expatriate community in Belgium counts, depending on the sources, between six and ten thousand emigrants and their descendants. Although some records tell of the arrival of Croatian troops during the Thirty Years’ War, in the 17th century, and in many numbers, Croats began to come to Belgium immediately after the First World War. This trend continued throughout the 20th century until the modern period, especially after Croatia joined the European Union and the formation of new communities related to the employment of Croats in the institutions of the European Union and NATO. Despite the long and complex emigrant tradition, the available literature on Croats in Belgium is very scarce and fragmented, while recent scientific research and professional literature are almost non-existent. This project aims at exploring the classic elements of the integration and acculturation process as well as new growing elements resulting from the development of information and communication technologies and the ubiquitous virtual dimension of life.