A Search for That Special Place Under the Sun in Modern Europe: Migration in the Twenty First Century

The Third Annual Conference of the Western Balkans Migration Network

A Search for That Special Place Under the Sun in Modern Europe: Migration in the Twenty First Century

Zagreb, 25 and 26 May 2018

The third annual conference of the Western Balkans Migration Network (WB-MIGNET) entitled “A Search for That Special Place Under the Sun in Modern Europe: Migration in the Twenty-First Century” was held on 25 and 26 May 2018. It was jointly organized by: Institute of Economics, Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies and University College Effectus. The conference was attended by about thirty scientists from fourteen countries, mostly from the Western Balkans, whose presentations were given through three plenary lectures, eight sessions and a public policy debate.

On the first day, May 25, 2018, two plenary lectures were held. The first plenary lecture “Fragmented and Fluid Mobilities: The Role of Onward Migration in the New Map of Europe and the Balkans” was given by Professor Russel King (University of Sussex). Second plenary lecture “Challenging the Notion of European ‘Peripheries’ From the Balkans to the Baltics: Migrants and Public Diplomacy Work” by Aija Lulle (University of Eastern Finland). Other presentations took place in two blocks, within three parallel sessions. At the end of the first day, a discussion “Responses to Refugees and Asylum Seekers on the Balkan Route: What Needs to Change?” was held, and it brought together representatives of civil society: V. Horvat (Institute of Political Ecology, Zagreb), E. Bužinkić (Peace Studies, Zagreb), A. Korbar (Are You Syri-ous, Zagreb) and MG Manieri (Greens in the European Parliament). The discussion was moderated by Dr. sc. D. Župarić-Iljić.

On the second day, May 26, 2018, the plenary lecture “The Crisis Decade and Migration: Some Retrospective Reflections” was given by Ferruccio Pastore (FIERI – International and European Forum on Migration Research). Other presentations were held in two parallel sessions.

The Scientific Committee of the conference was attended by Dr. sc. Snježana Gregurović and Ph.D. Sanja Klempić Bogadi.

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